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Hope the Monday blues are gone and you are up on your toes for another fantastic week ahead. We have all been hooked to the digital territory for a long while now (90 days is long….) And we get to meet so many people across digital platforms. Last week, I came across four brave, fiery, naive and sexy women on my #DigitalDabba (Amazon Prime, Netflix and Disney + Hotstar) I know. You have already started guessing their names. Yes. You are right. They reminded me of the fact that even before we were tagged as #WOMEN we are #HUMAN. If you ask me I would say each one of us is special in some way or the other not because we are women, but because we understand what being a woman is. It struck me then that I should share what I felt about these 4 women with all you.


#Disclaimer: It is not a review of the movie / show / character / screenplay. Nor is it a comparison of who was best. It is plainly my opinion about those women who made me sit up and watch all along without even a blink (a little exaggeration helps boost my lethargic pangs).


1.      #LIFEGOALS – Each one of them I met had different life goals. The first one was a pregnant woman who had lost her eldest kid few years back and was not sure if he was alive too. It was gripping to see how a mother can go to any extent to see her kid safe. The second one was a fiery woman, a mother of three, who tries hard to survive and put an end to the dark business of drug dealing taken care by men of her family which was the reason she lost her husband. The third one was an innocent little girl, all of 18 – 20 who lives in a village and falls prey to the dubious ways of someone she accidentally comes across all thanks to a wrong phone call. The last one, is someone who loves to be like any other normal woman but has to pretend to be abnormal to realise her normal goals.

2.     #STRENGTHS – Despite being pregnant, the first one made it to the end and found her lost son. What surprised me was, the fact that she was pregnant (8 months I guess) turned out to be her greatest strength in getting to her lost kid. The second woman on the contrary made it a point to let the world know that her kids were her strength, no matter what. The third one was a naïve little girl but found her strength in her own instincts and presence of mind. The last one, proved to me that our greatest strength lies in being totally unapologetic about oneself.

3.     #FATALBLOWS – The first one had almost caught up with the person who had been abducting kids for a while now only to figure out that her son was not only abducted but was tortured both physically and mentally for all these years by one of her best friends from childhood. All because of jealousy and being compared to her ever since they became friends. The second one had succeeded in getting the drug business closed at the cost of losing her younger sister to death only to realise that it was her family that was behind her husband’s murder. The naïve little girl runs away from home and comes to the city to meet the man whom she had fallen for only by talking on phone. That is when she finds out the truth about him and is shaken. The last one initially seemed the tricky type who lures men for her physical desires until a secret about her is unraveled which made me empathise with her only to leave me happily confused in the end.

4.     #GIVEAWAYS – The first one taught me that life punishes us for mistakes we have not committed only to teach us lessons we would have never learnt. The second one taught me that kids or no kids, a lioness will always remain a lioness. She just needs to be reminded of the fact at times. The naïve little one taught me that even though we come across people who are there just to take advantage of us, we should not stop believing people, instead we should listen more keenly to our instincts. The last one taught me that no matter what you do or what you say, people are going to talk about you. So, there is no point in faking it. Rather embrace yourself and move on.  


I am sure you must be eager to meet them too by now. If you have guessed them, go ahead and meet them. If you have already met them, do let me know how you felt. Would love to know that.


1. Rhythm from Penguin (Tamil, Malayalam & Telugu) streaming on Amazon Prime played by Keerthy Suresh

2. Arya from Arya streaming on Disney+Hotstar played by Sushmitha Sen

3. Jesse from Kappela (Malayalam) streaming on Netflix played by Anna Ben and

4. Shanu Madam from Rasbhari streaming on Amazon Prime played by none other than Swara Bhaskar.



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