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Change - the only constant in any equation - LIFE.

According to the world's best teacher, everything does not remain the same and the essence lies in not remaining the same, for better or for worse. Anything that stays the same for long either becomes stagnant or turns out to be an addiction. This teacher of mine taught me that it is an art and there are no masters or leaders at it, only beginners and followers. An art that can make a world out of nothing or nothing out of the world. An art which is seldom taught but definitely learnt by one and all. An art which can turn the tables upside down. An art called CHANGE.

As a kid I always wanted to change the way people around looked at me but could not help doing much about it. With the kind of ways that I chose, it was but evident that people around would surely consider me an insane nut with few loose screws here and there. Pity. Every now and then at School and College I wished for a change in what was being taught to us as it was like trying to learn something which I was not sure will be of any particular use to me later or even if it were, how and where would I be using it. Guess every one of us might have been through this phase. It still doesn't make sense to me why 2 and 2 sums up to 4. 

There were times when I felt that everything, every single thing around me needs to be changed for good or for worse. A phase where we all believe strongly that CHANGE is the only CONSTANT in any equation. Tried many ways or at least thought that I tried but all in vain. Could not change anything. Kind of like became my resolve to see some evident and obvious change around me. But I guess it was meant to be. 2 and 2 can never sum up to be anything but 4. It got me even more worried when I came to know of specific courses designed to master change management. Left me wondering how could someone teach us managing something which is uncertain and not in our hands at all.

After a nearly successful stint with education when I started working, I knew for sure that implementing what I learnt all through my education would not be the same as what I learnt. It was bound to differ, also because I religiously thought that the ones who wrote those concepts were no way linked to those who worked on them. And no two individuals can think exactly alike about everything. And from then on things around me went on changing some for good, a few for worse and the rest not exactly sure. Had started loving what I was doing, was spending time at work and not whiling it away like earlier, got to spend lesser time with friends, fewer movies and outings, fun meant hanging out with my team mates, got excited at a silly idea at work than at Mahesh / Pawan's first day first show and many more changes.

When I look back, I suddenly realise that so much has changed around me, so much within me, most of it quietly without any sign. And now I understand, change that happens around you is not as good as the change that happens within you, change in the way we perceive things, change in what we think about people, change in how we react to situations. Guess this is the world's best teacher's way of telling us that Constants matter the most when it is least expected. So now it is not about changing the world, my country,  systems prevailing around me, my folks or anything for the matter of fact. It is just the change within that makes all the difference.

To the world's best teacher called LIFE - I promise to complete the equation with Change as the only Constant.


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