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A Religion called TECHNOLOGY

How many of us understand our religion let alone following it religiously? None. Now that was way too easy. Most of us actually get irritated on the name of religion, yes, you read it right. IRRITATED. Might be because it's so complicated to understand and more so to follow. Yet, there's a strange thing which I have noticed. A special religion which we keep following while we study, play, work, dine, gossip and even when we need to communicate to one another. A religion which we follow sub consciously all through the day and can't do without. A religion, called TECHNOLOGY

A religion is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a supernatural agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs - Wikipedia says it. 

We don't wake up to the tinkling of our Mom's Bangles, we don't get up to the Milkman's Doorbell, Lazybones that we are. But we surely wake up to the slightest signal from our mobile be it a call, a message from a friend (God Bless Them) or from people at work (Lord Save Them) or just a notification from our digital world. That's when we start following the religion and keep doing it till we drop down dead back again on the same bed. And we don't belong to this religion if we are not surrounded by "friends" and "gadgets" that can make us keep in touch with those who are not around us physically. Facebook!! Twitter!!! Instagram!!!! Linkedin!!!!! I feel proud of being a part of this entirely Virtual world where you can be connected to the rest of the world without much effort and thought, thanx to some pretty smart genius youngsters who came up with this wonderful idea of staying connected virtually with the rest of the world constantly.

Though it's hard to say if the need to be known among friends, their friends and then the rest of the world gave rise to this virtual connect or vice - e - versa. Just a click and the rest of the world knows what one is up to. What more can you ask for. The other day I was surprised rather shocked on being a witness, but of course a virtual witness to a rather weird but true happening. Of nowhere, I got in touch with one of my long time associate (school friend - A person I never liked during my school days) on a social networking site some time ago and have been virtual friends from then on sharing the minutest details about us, our pics, catching up on things we did all these years. A (virtual) merry go round like feeling. Pity we never tried finding out about one another not once all these years, never bothered much. Not sure about how long this virtual friendship will last. Don't want to think about it though. 

When I was younger, I used to get fascinated by the thought of all our neighbouring aunties gathering around at some one's terrace and start gossiping about the life and goings of their favourite and not so favourite celebrities over a few cups of tea (Chai), snacks (Samosas) and delicacies (Jalebis). And today, thanx to the followers of the religion, we have this little game of gossip being played on National (at times International) Level where celebrity affairs (not just affairs) are discussed openly through media both on Print and Screen. This religion simply rocks. Don't you think so? Gone are the days when Ammas'(Moms) and Ayyas' (Dads') were pestered for us to be taken out for a movie, outing or an eat out - a simple family get together. With it are gone the days they got irked over the never ending queues at the ticket counters and the unending wait at the eat outs to be served. 

This religion preaches that a tinkle of a number on your mobile or just a click of a button online caters to you irrespective of where you are and when you want it. Movie tickets on your mobile and a delicious meal at your doorstep sans the queue and the wait. Wow! Wow! Wow! All those living in the virtually advanced generation follow the religion TECHNOLOGY too religiously and to the core. So much so that sometimes I wonder if it were a few smartys who tried coming up with this religion to make complicated tasks easier or was it a group of lethargic idiots who just couldn't do nothing more than just a call or a click or may be had to be a combo of both put together. Maybe someday I'll figure it out myself. Naaah!!! All those who know me too good know it for sure that I am lying. Too lazy for something like that. 

As they say every little package of goodies comes with a few bitter ones, so does this too. Superstitions are a part of this religion too. Coz people who don't follow this religion are considered nuts by those who do. Iconic beliefs like "what you cannot say to someone on face, you can always do by using the facets of the religion without the fear of their instant reaction" . Notions that people around following this religion are to be bowed to heartfully. Rituals like catching up with friends on social networking sites. And many more to go. All I hope is some day I call it a day with no visible trace of this religion, a religion called TECHNOLOGY.


  1. Love the blog entry. I have just been chastised by my school friends for forgetting my roots, my religion. I can now tell them I merely replaced it with another--cyberom, cyberyainamah


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