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Monday Mornings

Monday Mornings taught me that it's fine to forget the sweet memories of yesterday and move on to the goodies coming forth.

During my early days of life Monday Mornings were filled with gradual lethargy caused due to the remains of the previous days' fun and frolic leading to come up with various reasons of not going to School but in vain. A little later they marked the excitement of getting back to my pals with juicy gossip and blabber within me and I started looking forward to the Monday Mornings. End of school and it looked as if these Monday Mornings would never turn up again in life. And they never did....till date.

Monday Mornings taught me that it is not always what happens but also who all were with us when it happened that that makes it a special memory.

When in college it was a different story altogether. We considered it to be the best day of the whole week when we used to spend the whole day scheduling our week on submitting assignments with " Better late than Never " syndrome, meeting friends, bunking colleges, making it to movies, all this and a lot more only on the sacred Monday Mornings. All the movies hit the theatres on Fridays. But when we used to bunk college on Monday Mornings we always felt as if the movie just released. What crowds man!!! Seemed like Monday Mornings meant magic to most of the crowd present apart from us. End of college and a deep sigh that these Monday Mornings would never turn up again in life. And they never did....till date.

Monday Mornings taught me that life is not only about making merry and dreaming big but trying to make those dreams come true some day.

I always felt that Monday Mornings would get better and better as time passes. Pity, it didn't. Not till I started working, that I realised, Monday Mornings can sometimes be just the same as any other day of the week especially for those who have been working hard on their targets and scheduling on the doings of the week ahead in comparison to the doings of the week gone past.

May be someday when I'll get tired of life, lay down straight and think about these Monday Mornings, I would have a laugh on a few of them, feel sad about a few of them, get excited about some of them and in all means get irritated about a few Monday Mornings. But will definitely remember most of them. Some day I would surely want to pass this on to my Grand children. 

Who knows what these Monday Mornings have in store for them !!!


  1. After a week's hard work, I would look forward to the Saturdays and Sundays; but then, after dealing with the family those two days, after being pulled in many unwilling directions, I thank God for Mondays!!


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