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The Summer of '19

Summers..... can remind you of the best times of life...... a gateway to spend time with your best ones!!!!

Summers have come a long way from bright sunshines to scorching heat, from visiting the grandys to vacations abroad, from cool hill stations to trekking hills, from the flavoured ice candy to Creamstone ice cream, from filling water coolers to switching on Air Conditioners, from single activity hobby classes to multi activity summer camps, from Gen X to Gen Z, from this to that..... and more. For me, a lot has changed over the past 2 decades, summers included. And no.... it is not an attempt towards the self realisation that those golden days can never come back again. I wouldn't want them to come back too. In fact I must admit that life is just getting better by the day despite the hard hitting waves.

I first thought I should start it with the phrase 'We believe.....', but then dropped the idea as it is not something much as a belief, may be just a simple thought. I will definitely want to remember this as one of the best summers down the lane. What has been so special about the summer??? that's except the heat and sweat is that I got to spend time with my kiddos... oops.... teenage busters. A lot of stories about my teenage as recited by my Mom is not less than a complete material for an original web series considering the fact that they are the most happening things now. And to see our kids grow right in front of us and to think that we are turning old, wrinkly, fat and lazier is not a good thought though. 

Amidst the hustle of my life which revolves around my home, work and very little time out with friends (occasionally), the summers when the kiddos are down is just a whiff of fresh lavender air. It was always about recollecting those days when we (Chandaal Chhoukadi) had fun together which is eventually leading these summers to be about making new memories with the next generation. Gabbar, Queen Victoria, Mogambo, Jaggu, Princess Diana and Rambo (virtually present), you surprise me every time with your innocence and childishness. I know it annoys your mothers a tad bit, but I must say they have already got used to the feeling, thanks to me. I am sure you folks have already heard about some weird stories during our time.

This summer, I got to see my eldest - Gabbar clear his boards with a whooping score. I know it must not have been easy for him either. But we mothers made it sound weirdly pathetic. We are fully capable of it. We put up a facade that we are all cool about it, we would take it anyway and not blame our sonny boy if the score is lesser than our expectations. We made it clear that it would never change the fact that he remains the best of the lot irrespective of whatever his result be. And to think of it, it didn't even last as long as the thought. What a score boy!!! Proud of you. We are going to remain the same. Cant help much of it. And you have to get used to our crankiness slowly but surely. 

A toast (may be a cocktail) to many more summers like this. Exciting, special and miraculous.


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