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Encounters with FOMO...

Human 1 (thinking aloud as it is allowed in WFH) : This report’s taking too long to download. How about check my insta in between. My post has 13 likes. Wow. OMG! Another issue on custodian death. This is ridiculous. Now I have to read everything about it and make a post of it. Or should I talk about the Elephants instead, might look like a nature enthusiast. Or should I keep retweeting the trending posts on SSR? Did someone just say MeToo? But that was over long back. If I post something about that now, people will think I am totally outdated.


Post by Human2 : Impact of gender discrimination on overall GDP of a nation across the world.


Human1 (thinking aloud agin) : Really. How come I can never think of such things. I guess I should get back to see if the latest report on the changing trends of education during lockdown is downloaded. Got to analyse it and send the status in a day.


If you could relate to any part of it, then you already know what I am talking about. For the rest though, let me tell you it is a condition. There is no cure for it. No medication can help. Who you are, what you do, where you are from, how old you are does not matter; it can infect anyone. Though it has been prevalent for a long time now, it has become ubiquitous during the past two decades. And the worst part is the ones infected by this condition can be totally asymptomatic. The reason why I am sharing this is neither to educate you about this condition nor to speak of the consequences of this condition. It is just to celebrate a #FOMOFriday.


We have all heard, seen or even been through this thing called #FOMO. I realised that I have also been infected by this condition. The rustic taste of a piece of ball shaped flour with a tempting filling dipped into a  liquid of mixed tastes popped into your mouth and melting slowly before it vanishes. Sounds familiar, right. I am sure most of us are huge fans of Pani Puri, Gol Gappa or Puchkas as someone might call it. So, we have been loyal customers all our life to this savoury eatery be it at school, college or even work as a matter of fact. I have enjoyed this exquisite dish all through my college and at work too. No complains. And I know it can be made very easily at home, which means I am not missing out on much. But that is not the point.


It was at work one day that I realised that our daily encounters at the Pani Puri stall on the pretext of a break from our #hecticwork schedule was just another reason to find out what’s happening in the lives of our other counterparts, in short gossip. If I missed out taking this break for a day or two, I would get all restless and anxious to know what was happening with Amita’s mother-in-law. Will she resign because she has to take care of her? Will that mean I have to start looking out for a new Web Designer with good knowledge on UI and UX? And what about Hari of the Sales division who was allegedly going around with Naina from the L&D. If this turns out to be a serious thing, she might be taking an off from work for a while and may be even shift into Digital Marketing team. And Akshara. God! If Akshara gets promoted as the VP – Design Team, she’s going to make everyone in the team pay for what they did to her earlier.


So, I am not too sure if I am worried about missing out on the hard earned Pani Puri break or anxious about the extremely confidential information (aka gossip) that gets passed on during the break. If you think you have an answer to my question, feel free and post it in the comments section. Or even better, you could share one of your #FOMO moments with us here. Totally up to you.


Meanwhile elsewhere,

Human1 : (Listening to her Mom talking on phone) It’s ok. It’s ok if Arhan is going around with Idisha. I know that she is far better than his wife Minsika. But all I am worried about is how their daughter Arsika (Arhan + Minsika) is going to cope with this new development. I missed out the last two episodes of “Khooni Nagin ka badla” because I was waiting for you to come home early and cook dinner. I do not want to miss out on it today. I am at Pammi aunty’s place now. So, order something from #ZOMATO for tonight. Bye.


*FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out



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