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Over the last week I met two weirdly powerful characters. Both women and true to their nature. And I thought I should let you know about them through #Digitaldabba. I have watched couple of them in various languages including Malayalam, Telugu, Marathi, Gujrati and French. And I guess I am incline more towards the foreign languages than our regional ones mostly because they take you to a different world of imagination. This one though was no less than a thriller despite the fact that there has been no murder, deceit, not even adultery to think of. Can’t believe it? Read it. You might just end up believing it.

#LIFEGOALS – A debutante writer, Delphine Dayrieux whose debut novel had become a best seller had become an overnight star because of her book. The book was about the life and struggles of her mother, who was no more. Despite all the success, flowery life, Delphine was on the verge of depression of not being able to write anything after her debut novel. On one of her book signing events, she comes across ELLE, a strong and mysteriously poignant woman who approaches Delphine as an ardent admirer and without much effort becomes a part of her life.

#STRENGTHSBoth Delphine and her admirer start seeing each other often and keep crossing paths for a while making Delphine more confident about herself. Delphine thinks she has found an admirer who can truly understand her inner self and stick around despite her weirdness. She offers to help Delphine in any and every way possible. ELLE tries to fix up the fake profile on Facebook created for Delphine, check and respond to emails on her behalf and keeps reminding her to write something that Delphine has been passionate about all through her life – her own self. Though Delphine’s partner has his suspicions about this new found mysterious admirer, he is happy that Delphine is finally getting out of her eerie mode and thinking about writing again.

#FATALBLOWS – Because of an unfortunate incident, Delphine has to move out to her countryside house accompanied by ELLE. This is when she decides that she would write about ELLE and gets comfortable with her to get to know more about her life, only to gradually realise that her desire of writing about Elle is not favourable to Elle at all. There is a lot of mystery around how things unravel. One wonders what the intentions of ELLE are at this point of the time. After a near to death experience, Delphine finds herself in a pathetic situation which has convinced her partner that she had tried to end her life, which is not true according to her. And the next thing she knows is that her book is out for release. The book that Elle wanted her to write. The book about her childhood memories. The book which she was not sure of writing.

#GIVAWAYSThis movie on one hand proves to be an unsolved mystery from the start to the end while on the other hand touches a delicate issue of delusions of an imaginary character faced by someone in depression. This movie is an adaptation of a book by the name D’APRÉS UNE HISTOIRE VRAIE which translates to AFTER – BASED ON A TRUE STORY. This 2017 movie received too much flak for not being the regular run of the mill kind, for not being of the same genre that the Director preferred, for not being able to bring out the essence of the Book from which it was adapted and last but not the least for being so mysteriously unsettling.

But if you ask me if I liked the movie, I would definitely say YES. I got to witness two mysteriously strong characters portrayed with such ease that I had goosebumps all through the movie.

DELPHINE DAYRIEUX – Emmanuelle Seigner
ELLE – Eva Green
Director – Roman Polanski

You can meet them on #AmazonPrime. Those who crave for some uncanny mystery are welcome to watch. Don’t you worry about the language. It’s after all about two women. We can definitely understand it easily, with sub titles of course (unless you are an alien and can comprehend everything a woman says).

Do watch it and let me know if you like it. And if you have already watched it, feel free to share your opinions on this mysterious adaptation of BASED ON A TRUE STORY.




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