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Guess what!!! Up for some #mangalmaza

I have been meeting many wonderful species of people off late.


“Are you out of your mind? What are you even talking? How and when did you get to meet so many people sitting all the day on your bed? On Instagram? On Netflix? Or on Zoom?” That would have been a typical response from Amma for the earlier statement I made. Not her fault. She will only say that because that’s what she sees me doing all day (almost). But, it remains that I have met wonderful species of people out there, each one totally different from another and yet too similar. Would you be interested in meeting them too? What are you waiting for? Read on.


#thethinktank – Someone who is full of ideas thanks to the lockdown and is actually contemplating different ideas to make a business proposal out of this or may be even think of becoming a consultant who gives away thoughts out of the huge thinktank. Not sure if any of these thoughts will actually see the light of the day because the thinktank has a big lock and the key is nowhere to be found. And if the thinktank is broken, then most of the thoughts might just scatter or vanish in thin air. If you ever come across  #thethinktank, make sure you get them to put out their ideas loud and clear in the open. You never know, you might just get what you need at the right moment.


#theoverdoer – This is a typical case of a hardworking species that believes in drilling holes even through the air. These kind of people are generally a little aloof from the regular crowd of people as they consider socialising as a potential health hazard which might impact their overdoing. These will definitely turn out to be specialists in certain areas by the time the lockdown nears its end. If ever you come across someone who talks to you about how your laptop is one of the reasons for the increase in carbon footprint in this world, consider yourself lucky to have met #theoverdoer. Might as well convince you to go back to paper and pencils (for which again we need to fell trees leading to if not more but an equal amount of increase in the carbon footprint)


#theunderplayer – What do you call a person who can understand 7 languages, is good at creative art, has been creating content for a while and is currently jobless because that person feels the need to understand AI and Data Science to keep pace with the current trends across the world. That’s no doubt #theunderplayer. In case you stumble across this person, do make it clear that it’s a good thing to have the zeal to learn something new but without overlooking those that have already been learnt. This person should look at making hay while the sun is still out and bright.


#thewindswayer – Should I take up a course in Creative Writing? Or should I intern with some start up in content writing to have a better understanding? Or should I stick to promoting my existing blog across all the social media platforms that I am active on? Or will it be a good idea if I took up a part time job into social media handling? Or just like the one I met the other day, should I start off taking online sessions to teach writing skills? Am I even for real? Oh! Yes. I am the #windswayer who gets influenced easily by people and wants to do something just like them. I know, people often tell me that I should get my feet on ground first and start working on something and gradually keep swaying across different things.


#thezoomboomer – I know. This is the most common person each one of us might have encountered. You ask the person about anything and pop comes the answer –“You should attend the zoom session of Mr. XYZ to get all your questions answered. I will share the link across with you on whatsapp. Don’t forget to hop in. This person is probably aware of each and ever live session not just on Zoom, but on Insta, facebook and also on youtube irrespective of the topic in question. An encyclopaedia of live sessions happening around. But that makes me wonder how much of the information gained during these sessions are actually relevant and retained by the #zoomboomer.


#theconfusedmonk – Have you come across someone who has decided to go minimal and is working out on which things should be discarded, what things could be easily replaced by alternate options, whether surviving as a monk would be the same as now whilst ordering the next set of things required (mostly irrelevant) on Amazon. Now that makes sense as to why this person is named #theconfusedmonk. If you ever come across such a person do give them a big round of applause for being just the way they are and you could also offer them your alternate ideas on minimalist living by stocking on more stuff from other sites as well.

#thebusybuzzer – Now this is one person who seems to be the busiest of all mostly doing nothing. Whenever we come across this person, we get a vibe that this person is on a crucial mission and does not have even a minute to spare for a glance or a smile, when the fact of the matter is that the person is actually clueless on what it is that’s keeping the person so busy. Can’t believe it. You will have to come across #thebusybuzzer to believe that such kind exist. They are the ones who are busy the whole day and yet sit and think at night about what they accomplished during the day.


Now, the clever ones here (samajhdaar ko ishaara kaafi hai, humne toh upanyaas hi likh diya) are trying to recollect whether they have come across such species anywhere and the not so clever ones are sure to find them at the same place where I found them. No. Not on Netflix / Amazon. Not on Twitter / Facebook. Not even on Zoom / Instagram Lives. I found them right in my house when I looked into the mirror. I have been through each of this phase during the lockdown. And though none of them have died down, they persist only to come back to me at some point or the other to add on to my spice less life. Each one of the species has taught me few lessons that I will nurture for life.


What about you? How many of these species have you come across during the lockdown? Not yet? When was the last time you looked into the mirror?


Disclaimer: If you are now rushing at your phone to look into the mirror (selfie mode of camera), make sure you have all your accessories on. At least make sure you get a proper selfie out of it.



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