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Welcome to yet another week full of surprises, thrill and of course sharing.


This week on my #DigitalDabba, I am going to take you to meet Sufi and Sujata from #AmazonPrime. A love story which is far beyond being called just a love story. One look at the name and you are guessing that it is going to be another Hindu – Muslim love story with intense love, hard core drama, seat gripping violence, music that sways you away into another world. What if I say it is a Malayalam movie on the block? Now go ahead and imagine the coconut trees, backwaters and Banana chips. Oops! I guess I just went a little overboard. If you want to know what it is that makes Sufi and Sujata stand out of the rest all you have to do is go and watch it on Amazon Prime but you could as well give this piece a read before you do that.


#LIFEGOALS – Sufi’s life goal was to attain salvation and reach God with his devotion. Though he dwindles from the path for a while when he meets Sujata, I am sure he made it finally. Sujata’s goals keep varying all through. She keeps wanting different things from life. No. She is not confused in life. She just seems to want more of everything. And she is not greedy too. And then there is Rajeev, Sujata’s husband who clearly has two goals in life – to be a good father to their daughter and to make sure his wife forgets her love story and starts living like his wife.


#STRENGTHS – Sufi’s faith in his master is his immense strength. The way he lives and wanders is something you cannot miss. Sujata’s strength is the way she tries to express her feelings with her gestures, signs and mostly with her eyes. She doesn’t self-pity herself for not being able to talk despite people around wondering how such a beautiful girl could just be dumb and not deaf. Rajeev’s strength is what he feels for Sujata. A typical husband who embraces the fact that his wife is mute but struggles to get past his wife’s past which seems to linger in the present. Strangely though, all three characters had been etched out as strong, mature and well read.


#FATALBLOWS – Sufi is all set to walk away from the town with or without the love of his life. With her if her parents and his master agree to their relationship and without her if nothing seems to work. He returns to the town after 10 years only to become one with his God. Sujata is asked by her husband to accompany him in visiting her town and bidding the final good bye to the love of her life. As always there are traditions and rules which bind her from doing so. But here is when Sujata gets a little naughty (not exactly) and thinks of something. Rajeev tries hard to make sure Sujata sees her lover dead just to make sure she snaps out of him and moves in to him. He even stoops down to digging Sufi’s grave to find his passport at some point.


#GIVEAWAYS – For once, it was not just about the backwaters, churches and coconut trees. It was instead about the lush green mangroves which added to the serene flavour. The music doesn’t standout or linger on to you. In fact those who are used to listening to the Azaan in mosques will find it more than usual. The scenic beauty was all about the architecture of the houses and the mosques and not to forget the lake which was used by people to commute from one end of the town to the other. A special mention to the portrayal of characters that you could relate to with real life characters around you.


If you are a movie buff and don’t mind watching them in regional languages (of course with sub titles), if you want to have a whiff of fresh air from those heavy airy shows running online, if you are someone waiting to take a break from your hectic work from home cum work at home schedule or if you are someone who is plain curious to know more after reading it, go ahead and give it a watch.

                                                Sufiyum Sujatayum (Malayalam) on Amazon Prime.






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