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For as long as I have known, have spent most of them for my lazy fantasies including sleeping.... sleeping and sleeping. After all that is what SUNDAYS are meant to be.The only day where I can be the ME. Actually I am the ME on any other day too. But this is the REAL ME. Ready to hit the bed even on a slight blink of an eye. So much so that I wonder if I am suffering from fatal LSD (Lethargic Sunday Disorder). The symptoms of this disorder are pretty peculiar. When someone asks me what plans I have for the weekend, I either come up with a fantasy plan which is everything but true or just dodge the question with a crooked smile and say NO big plans leaving people to wonder what those plans could be. Its hard to tune my mind to go out for a movie, an outing, having uninvited guests, a lunch or a dinner date which might be because of this disorder. So much so that at times it feels like war attending to phone calls from friends too. 

To keep it simple and not make it look terrible, I generally prefer watching a movie on the Tube early hours of Sunday after 12:00 am and go to sleep at about 3:00 am or so. And then it makes me easier to be lazy because that is how my day started. But this one was totally different. Almost like a  deadly combination of  Man proposes and God disposes and There's always a FIRST Time for everything. It turned out to be extremely exciting and memorable as against my plan (SLEEPING).

The lazy Sunday started with a few angels visiting me at home. It was a sight to see. All of them as sweet as their names sounded. Each one fully grounded to Earth with the zeal to make it big. Few of them showed up their intelligence and talent just to take away praises. On popular demand, their breakfast was to be served at my place instead of their routine place. It had to be special. So Amma made some steaming hot Bambino Porridge (Semiya Paayasam) for them. We also had some hot mixture to go with the sweet dish. All the crockery that was put up in my showcase for flaunting was suddenly out for these little angels to be served.  That reminds me, have got to reset the crockery back to the showcase.

Once we were done with the breakfast, we got onto some fun mode and went clicking away. Snap snap snap and more snaps. Was not able to figure out what they were more excited about - being clicked or clicking their fellow angels. Not one of them was passionate about photography or rather they were because it was their friends whom they were capturing in the little bing box. After a little while we pushed ourself for a short stint at our own GOD(Sachin)'s game - CRICKET. I never thought much about the game of cricket let alone playing it. But these angels knew their game well. Though they were not good at fielding, could not make as many runs as the others, got out when they felt their friends should also get a chance to bat and lost the game eventually, they had big smiles on their faces as if they had just won the World Cup. Probably even GOD could not beat them on that.

Suddenly a lunch hooter and they get back to their respective place. Looked like an ultimate abrupt end to the merry. Getting back to my LSD was hard now. Had too many questions, wanted a little more of it and was hoping that it all comes back again. God must have been too lazy, and my wish got considered. The angels come back after their lunch and settle down at my place, but this time for a quiet indoor stint. We took off on a round of Pictionary in our own style. The angels then voted for a movie running on the Idiot Box. Take my word for it, wouldn't have dared to watch the movie otherwise. A movie which had all the standard ingredients for a tollywood masala, comedy, romance, thrill, dance and not to forget the kin of the Lord himself - JUNIOR NTR. Got to learn a brand new way of watching a movie, especially ones like this.All those little angels sat through the movie as if they were in a theater with surround sound except for a little one who had to get back to his routine of medicines.

The rest of them moved after the movie was over, with a heavy heart though. I am sure they wanted to stay back and I would have loved to have them stay back, but I guess God got back to being Busy from getting Lazy. How I wish I could redo the Sunday once again. For a minute, I felt I should capture all those memories and rename it as the best Sunday of my life. A few minutes later I felt weird about it. Then I thought I should post their clicks on facebook and seal it there. I know it sounds awkward. So settled down to just writing about it. Right from my childhood I knew that charity begins at home. At least it came true for me - with these little angels donating their valuable time and energy with me. I definitely pray that these little angels find their way to life easy.

With the little angels

The Losing team and the Winning Team after the game of Cricket.


In case I forgot to mention, each of these little angels is suffering from Cancer and are fully aware of it. I am sure now you would want to go back and read the whole thing once again. Go on. Read it.


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