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Happy Mother's Day........

Wishing my friends a not just a Happy but a Wonderful Mother's Day. I just realised that we are no more just friends, we are probably extended family. They say a friend in need is a friend indeed, But these guys were there for me even when I didn't need them. Love you guys. Keep rocking. We are meant to be.

My memories of this day go back to about 13 yrs from now, we've been celebrating this day from then on with a little difference every year. Today, we don't celebrate this day of the year like the earlier ones, but we still do it together........ in a different sense though. It all started when we loved spending time with each other and never used to leave any chance of celebration just for the sake of being together. We adored our Moms with flowers, cards, gifts, goodies and also ended up doing the daily chores for them (couple of times). All this not only because we loved our Mom's but also because we could get another reason to celebrate .......... together. How childish! Naah....That was how we were.

I have always been a pain for my Mom, (still am with not much of a difference) yet, she keeps putting up with me every time I do or mostly don't do something. Never been a dutiful, obeying, loving daughter, never tried. People who know me will definitely vouch for this. But for this one special day of the year, it was all exceptional. I was earlier in the notion that its a big thing to treat your Mom like a Princess on a day which was neither her Birth Day nor her Anniversary and that it was us who made this day special for the Moms. How foolish!!! Not until I realised that we were treated no less than a Princess by our Moms for the whole of the year only to give it back to them for just one day in the year.

friends have not only taught me the real sense of Motherhood but have also made me feel like one at times. I love daughters and I set it up the day the any one among us has one, she'll be mine totally. Its a pleasure being friends together for so long but it definitely gives me a feeling of pride to say that I have 2 daughters and 3 sons, all who very much belong to me as they are belong to them. I am sure there will be no denial from their end too on this point. The little monsters behave very much like me, or rather I didn't grow up yet (whatever) and behave like them. I often keep telling my friends that since they have had the experience of bearing my whims, fancies and tantrums they would not find it hard to do the same with their little monsters.

I always felt my Mother was trying to punish me whenever she used to try feeding me. Whenever she asked me to be careful while playing lest I get hurt, I felt she would never understand the beauty of getting hurt. There were times when I refused to take any kind of medication because I only felt that my Mother wanted me to gobble those dirty pills even when I was sick. Not a day went by without me and my Mother not cribbing on whatever topic available (insensible, insane, inappropriate). Never understood her feeling of happiness / worry at time when my results were out. There were days when I even thought she was sending me to school only because she didn't want me around troubling her with her chores. I made a promise to myself that I would never make my children feel the same about me. I never expected I would change my opinion about these things at least not till I became a mother myself. After watching my friends and the little Monsters, I have no other choice but to say that I was wrong and my Mother was always right, though I wouldn't go up to her and say it aloud.

As earlier said, I never was a dutiful, obeying daughter. To think of it, what would have happened if my Mother would have listened to me instead. Not trying to feed me all kinds of stuff, not sending me to school, not worrying about me getting hurt while playing, not caring for me, not trying to make me feel happy all the times. Hard to imagine. Now when I see my friends doing the same with the little Monsters, not to mention, my own experiences a couple of times, I strongly feel that Mothers are meant to be that way only because kids are meant to be that way.
It strikes me that a lot has changed may be not in the way we celebrate this day but definitely in the way we think about our Mothers.

Wouldn't want to sound much like a Nanny, so I end it up on the note that my Little Monsters don't turn up thinking like me about their Mothers (include me) and even if they do they will surely grow up to change their mind about it just like I did. Here's wishing all the Mother's of this world a Happy Mother's Day. You rock.


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