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.... I Grew Up? DID I?

I grew up learning that " To Err is human but to Forgive is Divine ". And now I prefer being human committing errors now and then just to prove that I am human, arguing on my point being right even if it weren't and I knew it from the word Go, trying to convince myself that its alright to be human and err rather than asking for forgiveness and make them feel Divine. And now I realise that it's harder to be human than to be divine. Why then would we Indians not forgive the Pakistanis for what a few grown ups had to do to us.

While I was a kid and had to attend school which I hated then, I always felt one would never get to nowhere by going to school. But 16 years after I was done with my schooling and after the Supreme court ruled that elementary education should be made a fundamental right, the Rajya Sabha passed a legislation to provide free and compulsory education to every child in the age group of 6-14 years and from class I to VIII. All these years I grew up feeling proud that I will not only be referred to as a literate but as a Post Graduate. But now I feel ashamed, for all these years my education never came to help the ones who didn't have any of it.

For me as a kid, entertainment meant Movies, Songs, Dances, Cricket matches, Daily soaps on Television, gossiping about celebrities though, Politics was a different world completely. As I grew up I witnessed controversies, scandals, scams in every field of entertainment with a tinge of politics involved everywhere. And to top it all it was said that all those who grow up get a right to vote for their own ruler. So to prove it to myself and to the rest of the world I used my right more than once. I still remember my Mom saying this when I was younger " If you want to enjoy your rights, you need to do your duties too ", which I wishfully forget to my convenience. And now I wonder if it was her duty to see me get all that I wanted in life or my right to live. Hard to judge. Isn't it?

I also grew up reading that it was the duty of one generation to make this world a better place to live in for the next generation. Those who fought for and earned the freedom of our nation did so. The fact remains that their next generation and the next ones which came up till date including the Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z....and so on... oops, not sure about the current one have a varied understanding of the words freedom and independence unlike those who earned it for us. Or probably because it is not the people of some other nation ruling us but their culture and attitude, of which makes us feel we are free to follow our heart anywhere.

Ironically, we spend our childhood dreaming of growing up to youth, spend our youth mostly enjoying the goodies of life (with a few exceptions) and end up growing old saying that the fate of our nation lies only within the hands of youth. So if the youth is just going to have fun in life and enjoy what's going around, why do the grown ups entrust the nation in the hands of the Youth? Who do they think they are? How I wish Sir William O' Henry would have been alive to make a short story about this too with a brilliant twist in the end.

Whoever said growing up is fun, sure didn't have any while doing so. The real problem with the world today is that there are too many grown ups around. Grown ups who have probably forgotten what it was like growing up to what they are today. Grown ups who imagine they form a different world let alone a community where they are free to do whatever they can think of. Grown ups who care a damn about what others have to feel or say about them. Wonder Why I grew up? Or Did I?


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